Welcome to my home in Savannah, Georgia. I am going to
take you on a photo tour of this beautiful city that I
call home.
Savannah, located in the last of the 13 original
colonies, had it's beginnings when General James Edward
Oglethorpe and 120 weary travelers from the English
ship "Anne" ended their journey at Yamacraw Bluff in
1733. Oglethorpe is credited with creating the first
"planned" city in the United States. The same year the
colonists landed, a carefully laid out town became a
reality. The shady public squares and parks that gave
Savannah an air all its own were created more than two
and a half centuries ago.
Savannah's heritage is a vital part of her present and
future. Today, Savannah's rich, colorful history can be
seen throughout the city's historic downtown area-in
it's elegant mansions, beautiful churches, colorful
gardens, and shady squares.
Sit back,, while I share with you photos of this
beautiful city. And enjoy!
Forsyth Park
Laid out in 1851, this park is exceptionally beautiful in spring with blooming azaleas, and flowering trees. Large live oaks draped with Spanish moss line the central walkway. The large fountain dates back to 1858. A Confederate Monument, erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, honors those killed in the war. The park is also the site of the Fragrant Garden for the Blind.
Named to commemerate the 1814 Battle of Chippewa in Canada. The square features this bronze statue of Savannah's founder, General James Edward Oglethorpe.
Founded in July 1733, five months after the colonization of Georgia, this is the third oldest Jewish congregation in America and the first established in the South. The synagogue, the only Gothic one in America, was built in 1776-1778. It houses the oldest Torah in America, and a museum with historical books of the congregation's activities and letters from Presidents Washington, Jefferson, and Madison to the congregation. The museum adjoining the temple is open to the public.
Some of you may recognise this church from the opening
scene in the movie "Forrest Gump", as the white feather
was falling from the sky, it passed in front of this
This church was founded in 1755. The present building
was erected in 1890, and is a replica of the 1815-1819
church destroyed in a fire in 1889.
Woodrow Wilson married Ellen Axson, granddaughter of
the pastor, in the church in 1885.
Savannah, Georgia
United States